Starter Pack*

  • Mobile application and smartphone clock-in
  • Web application
  • Support and maintenance
  • Clock-in device
  • Lone worker alarm features

Time clock Pack

  • Mobile application and smartphone clock-in
  • Web application
  • Support and maintenance
  • Clock-in device + badge
  • Lone worker alarm features

PET Pack

  • Mobile application and smartphone clock-in
  • Web application
  • Support and maintenance
  • Clock-in device (advanced)
  • Lone worker alarm features

Choose the formula that suits you!

Starter PackTime clock PackPET Pack
Access to the mobile application and smartphone clock-in
Access to the web application
Schedule management
Customer management
Businesses management
Employee management
Management of intervention sites
Equipment management
Absence management
Claims management
Financial management
Administrator management
Monitoring statistics
Clock-in device with long battery life**
Fixed or mobile mode clock-in device
Clock-in device with Push functionality (online / offline)
Clock-in device with voice communication
Clock-in device with fall detection
Clock-in device with shock detection
Clock-in device with lifeline function

OPTIONAL: Development of specific modules to meet your requirements.

Request your demo

Schedule an idetime presentation with our sales team

* Monthly billing based on the number of web and mobile user(s) for the digital pack, and monthly billing based on the number of time clock(s) for the team and protected packs. Please contact our sales team for more information.

** Up to 3 months of autonomy, depending on operating mode and usage conditions.